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Tender Notice: provision of one-way transfer to Disneyland


Tender Notice: provision of one-way transfer to Disneyland


Tender Notice

Subject: Provision of one-way transfer for TIC Disneyland Halloween Night
Description: This is an open tender for the provision of transfer service for the event “TIC Disneyland Halloween Night” on 26 September 2008. Eight coaches each with 45 seats are required for arranging one-way transfer from Admiralty to Hong Kong Disneyland and twelve coaches each with 45 seats are required for arranging one-way transfer from Tsim Sha Tsui to Hong Kong Disneyland.
Contact: For further information, please contact Ms Jessica Wan, Public Relations Department, at Tel No: 2807 1199 ext. 181, Fax No: 2510 9907 or Email address: [email protected].
Closing Date/Time: 5 pm on Tuesday 23 September 2008
Submission of Tender: Tenders are to be submitted by post or fax to Ms Jessica Wan, Public Relations Department, Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, Rooms 1706-1709, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong, before 5 pm on Tuesday 23 September 2008. Late submissions will not be accepted.
The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong is not bound to accept the lowest quotation or any quotation, and reserves the right to negotiate with any prospective service providers about the terms of the offer.
17 September 2008
Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong