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IT Matching Fund

Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents


In the fiscal year of 2016/2017, the Government allocated HK$10 million to the TIC for setting up the Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents (formerly known as Pilot Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents) ("Scheme"). At the end of 2017, over 100 small- and medium-sized travel agents have been benefited.

In view of the positive feedback from the trade, the Government allocated additional HK$30 million in the fiscal year of 2018/2019 to the Scheme in order for small- and medium-sized travel agents to be subsidised, on a one-for-one matching basis, to adopt information technology for upgrading their productivity and service quality, as well as strengthening their competitiveness in the local or overseas market.

The Government agreed in 2023 to top up the Fund with additional $30 million for the Scheme to help more travel agents make the best use of IT to enhance, innovate and develop their business. The new round of the Scheme will be enhanced to cover all travel agents with a view to benefitting more travel agents.

As the implementation partner and secretariat of the Pilot Scheme, the TIC has set up the Working Group on Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents to handle various matters related to the Pilot Scheme. An independent Vetting Committee has also be formed to consider and approve all applications for subsidy.

(Note: Assessment meeting by the vetting Committee shall be held on 19 November 2024, for those applications submitted on or after 19 October 2024 will be reviewed and assessed in the next meeting.)

The Scheme has commenced to accept applications from all licensed travel agents from 8 April 2024 onwards. Eligible travel agent must read carefully the Guide to Application and submit the application online:

For enquiries, please contact the secretariat of the Pilot Scheme (tel: 2969-8157; email: [email protected]).

To assist member agents in obtaining service from IT companies, the TIC has set up the “Register of IT service providers”. IT companies which wish to be listed in the Register may contact the secretariat of the Pilot Scheme.

Promotional events

  • 23 and 25 May 2016: Focus group meetings (Circular C1579)
  • 13 July 2016: Briefing (Circular C1587)
  • 17 August 2016: Speed dating for travel agents and IT companies (Circular C1592)
  • 20 October 2016: Business matching for travel agents and IT companies (Circular C1600)
  • 8 March 2017: Briefing (Circular C1627)
  • 11 May 2017: Business matching for travel agents and IT companies (Circular C1641)
  • 5 July 2017: Briefing cum experience sharing session (Circular C16541)
  • 5 July 2018: Briefing (Circular C1736)
  • 31 July 2018: Business matching for travel agents and IT companies (Circular C1741)
  • 15 November 2018: Briefing cum experience sharing session (Circular C1766)
  • 6 March 2019: Briefing cum e-levy module sharing session (Circular C1788)
  • 3 July 2019: Business matching for travel agents and IT companies (Circular C1817)
  • 6 November 2019: Business matching for travel agents and IT companies (Circular C1841)
  • 28 March 2022: Invitation of new round of applications for “Pilot Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents” (Circular C1964)