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TIC stepping up efforts to promote importance of cyber security and customer personal data


TIC stepping up efforts to promote importance of cyber security and customer personal data


The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC) announced today (5 January) that it is taking a number of initiatives to further raise the awareness of travel agents with respect to cyber security risks and the need to identify, assess and mitigate these risks in the light of the increasing volume and sophistication of cyber threats.

As travel agents are increasingly dependent on information technology to deliver services to customers every day and cyberattacks can affect operations and undermine confidence in the industry, the TIC has made tremendous efforts all along to alert its members of the importance of cyber security.   

Since last year, the TIC has launched a series of programmes for its members to promote the importance of cyber security. Examples include hosting cyber security seminars covering different types of emerging cyber threats, as well as inviting cyber security experts to share relevant counter-measures.

Following the recent cyber incidents involving travel agents, the TIC has taken further measures to help them reduce risks in relation to cyberattacks, such as distribution of a circular to reiterate the importance of cyber security to its members. More activities such as seminars and briefing sessions will be arranged to help members enhance cyber resilience and respond to information security incidents. 

Close collaboration with the other partners will be maintained. A meeting between the TIC and the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police was conducted today to kick off pro-active plans to help TIC members to address the risks associated with cyber security. Practical tips and information will be shared with the TIC, which will keep its members informed via a number of communication channels including circulars and seminars.

The TIC is also in dialogue with the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification to promote ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) Certification to TIC members, which is one of the effective ways to assure and demonstrate proper protection of customer personal data.

Further initiatives include collaboration with the Hong Kong Productivity Council to promote the services from the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) and to explore the possibilities of offering cyber security services which are affordable to travel agents and yet effective in mitigating cyber risks.